Thus, I have decided I need a forum in which to say what I want to say about the Vikings, and since it's my blog, I can say exactly what I want and no one can "moderate" it!
I might as well start out by talking about why I'm a Vikings fan.
When my family first moved to the USA, we moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and got into the habit of sitting around the tv together every night; my mother with her book, my little sister (a toddler) with her favorite stuffed animal, me with my coloring book, and my dad with his newspaper. Some nights we would watch figure skating; some nights The Muppet Show...and some nights we would watch football.
I still remember the very first Minnesota Vikings game I ever saw; it was September 1994, I was six years old, and we opened at the Green Bay Packers...and lost by (I think) two points to their relatively new quarterback, Brett Favre.
Needless to say, I have rocked purple and gold and hated the Packers ever since. When Favre was added to our team I quietly got very drunk, but I did stop cursing him until that final, fatal interception. Then I started cursing again.
My favorite Vikings memory so far is probably Percy Harvin signing my Harvin rookie jersey at the UF Pro Day 2010:
I had been in Ethiopia for the past six weeks, excavating a cave site (I'm currently a masters' student in archaeology) known as Moche Borago. I landed in Orlando late Monday night, spent a few hours with my family, then drove to Gainesville the next night, saw my boyfriend, then went home to my apartment to sleep until 10 am when I took the bus to campus to meet up with my buddy for Pro Day. Unfortunately, this one had been really well advertised so there were a lot of morons about (the kinds who burst out squealing, "I love you Tim Tebow!"), but Percy still came down to where we were standing, and signed my jersey. I'm impressed with him, because the walls of the Swamp are pretty high, so he was reaching above his head to sign for at least an hour...he is one classy dude, doing all of that for his fans!
Now I live in California (only until I get my MA, then I'm moving elsewhere for my PhD...there's no money for academia left in this state!!!), and I'm continually amazed by the complete and utter lack of football fans in this county. The only fans are (like me) transplants from other areas, or are related to present and former players. I do not think I'm cut out to be a California girl.
But I do know, no matter what, I'll always be Carla the Viking!
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