Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Next Minnesota Vikings Quarterback

For some years now - as long as I can remember actually - I've had dreams only to later have all or parts of them come true. The one I remember most vividly is a few years back when I dreamt that I was in the parking lot of the Metrodome and I saw EJ Henderson in his car trying to make a left turn into it, was hit by an oncoming truck and carted off to the hospital.
Two days later it was the Cardinals game and he broke his leg and was done for the season.

Last night I dreamt I was doing some shopping at a big crowded mall; as I was leaving I noticed a lot of commotion on one of the lawns near the exit so I went to have a look. It was a quarterback, dressed up in purple and white, alternating between tossing balls into targets, and shaking hands and talking to the people waiting by the barrier. In the dream I recognized him at once; it's frustrating because in the dream I called him by name, now I'm awake I only remember that it started with a "K".

Anyway, he was the quarterback we're going to get after Ponder leaves. In the dream I asked him how he was doing adjusting to the NFL (clearly a rookie), and I had to look UP into his face so he's over 6 feet tall...I also remember asking him about Ponder's records, but I don't remember the reply.

I'm sure you'll all think I'm silly, but the dream was so very real! I'm also hoping that since the me in the dream asked about Ponder's records he'll have a long and awesome career with us...a girl can dream, can't she?

Although - now that the news has broken that Ponder is the new starting quarterback for the Vikings I wonder if THAT's what the dream was about? Oh well...we should know in 8-10 years time :)

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